Violence against Women


Icon of beauty, sweetness, delicacy: since ancient times depicted as a Goddess with harmonious and sinuous shapes.

Image of sacredness, purity, candor: for ages venerated as a Mother bearer of hope and reassurance.

Symbol of fertility, fecundity, prosperity: always recognized as a Giver of life and nourishment.

Emblem of safety, protection, strength: since birth considered as a Place of refuge and comfort.

… but at the same time…

Demanded! Contended! Kidnapped! Desired as a forbidden fruit!

Seductress! Enchantress! Charmer! Pointed to as the embodiment of deception!

Witch! Crone! Harpy! Used as a scapegoat for misunderstood evils!

… or even worse…

Offended! Mocked! Excluded! Cornered by man-centric society!

Exploited! Segregated! Enslaved! Deemed as a mere personal property!

Mistreated! Raped! Killed! Considered as an inferior human being!

… and therefore Woman has always had to earn everything…

Divorce! Abortion! Miniskirt! Career! Equality! Respect! And much more!

Everything that is given to a man almost as a birthright, for a woman is a mission to accomplish, a battle to fight, a war to win, a conquest to celebrate!

The World has indeed changed and it keeps doing it! Or rather, women struggle for making it change!

For this reason, enormous strides have been made on women’s rights, but the road is still long… and often uphill!

Today, we are still horrified to witness many cases of exclusion, segregation, mistreatment, violence or even murder, which are daily perpetrated against women.

Unfortunately, there are so many cases treated… so many femicides… so many countries in question…!

In 2019, there were 1421 victims in Europe: an average of four women a day, one woman every six hours… and in recent years the trend does not seem to get better!

An enormous number…! Absurd…! Disconcerting…!

… But how is all this possible? Just us who…

Use the image of woman as a personification of nature, of earth, of homeland!

Use allegories spread all over the World, such as: Mother Nature! Mother Earth! Mother Country!

Claim to be the children of women who generated us!

Place our future in women we love!

… and therefore…

Should consider women for what they are: Stupendous! Wonderful! Splendid! Unique!

… or more simply…

Should enclose it all in one word: Woman!

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