“Panem et circenses”

Sport is born with man… basically!

Since the appearance of man on earth there have been known forms of playful-competitive activities, similar to sports, which have always accompanied the life of human beings.

Over the years these activities have followed the same evolution of the human species. Therefore, with the advancement of physical-cognitive abilities and socio-economic conditions the sport practices and competitions have also advanced.

The most known ones to us, or rather ones we recognize as closest to us, are certainly the Ancient Greek Olympics and the games of the Roman Empire.

In the Roman era, playful-competitive activities were of vital importance and they were also used as an instrument of mass distraction for a part of the people that was extremely disadvantaged and inclined to popular uprisings; from which the famous saying “panem et circenses” arose for indicating the key factors to gain the favor of the masses and govern the Empire.

At that time, as well as today, the protagonists of the games were often highly remunerated and for this reason they became real stars with millionaire salaries and world fame.

This kind of approach has also been maintained in later eras and has reached up to the present day.

Today, however, sport has become a business model for the productive society. In fact, it is treated as a real industry in the countries where it is spread, as it participates to a considerable extent in the construction of national GDP.

In this regard, the socio-cultural differences among peoples have favored the development and diffusion of different sports in the different geographical areas of the World: thus becoming the symbol and identity of the States in which they had the greatest expansion and therefore they are considered as national sport.

In Italy: soccer!

Like any other industry, even sport complains against the State for the actions affecting its business. The thing that makes us think about it, however, is the different attitude of the State towards sport.

A total laxity!

From taxation to stops… every time the State wants to intervene in sporting matters there begin bitter and incessant controversies through which the new actions are criticized, often leading the State to desist.

Sometimes these controversies are so out of all logic that they border on the absurd…!

Can a sector with a very high transmission risk demand at all costs the resumption of activities in an acute pandemic phase? Can a sector complain about losses or changes in tax rates when millions are paid out? Can a sector benefit from the praise of most even when there is nothing to praise?

In fact, it is difficult to grasp or quantify the value added that a single sport can bring to an entire population who by now, totally anesthetized, attends astonished and happy to an ephemeral show, leaving out the profound drama of the reality that surrounds them.

And so as at that time, so today…! The State acts… and the population watches… (the games)…!

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