A word spread all over the World that contains within itself a World… A World made of other small Worlds… Worlds made of stories, legends, illusions, and imaginations generated by multiple dynamics… Dynamics that are complex, deep, hidden, atavistic, ancestral…!
And for this reason the issue of Drugs will be addressed in order to only grasp some of those dynamics that influence Nature, Society, Economy, Governments, and everything in which man directly or indirectly takes part.
The term Drugs generically refers to any natural or synthetic substance that has the ability to interact with the human body by having healing, exciting, relaxing or hallucinogenic effects, which arise from alterations in the psycho-physical state within the individual.
Nevertheless, this term has taken an increasingly negative meaning over the years and it is now used as a generic synonym for any narcotic substance that “ruinously” modifies the psycho-physical status of the individual, “inevitably” causing addiction phenomena.
When we talk about Drugs, we are talking about different molecules that act differently on the brain, on the nervous system or on other systems of the human body, by causing euphoria, alertness, fear, well-being, calm, and more!
… Drugs are therefore spread under different names…
Grass, weed, mary, marijuana, hashish, ecstasy, pill, trip, crystal, popper, kobret, stuff, bamba, flour, snow… The list is long!
Each substance has taken a name… Each substance has taken an epithet… Each substance has taken a different nickname in different parts of the World…!
Hence the term Drugs encompasses dozens of narcotic substances that are naturally extracted or synthetically created in different countries around the World.
Each country has its own Drugs… Each country has its own specialization… Each country has its own business…!
… in fact…
Narcotic substances have very ancient origins and date back to millennia ago. Since ancient times, man has cultivated, harvested, dried, and treated various plants in order to extract the active ingredient and use it for curative, recreational, exciting, relaxing or hallucinogenic purposes.
There were many uses in the past… and those and many others are the uses today…!
For this reason, many countries have grown over time one or more narcotic plants that could be used for medical, social or even religious purposes. Many uses were just those ones with religious purposes which induced people to have convulsions, epileptic fit, and visions that catapulted them into other dimensions, by giving them the ability to perceive sounds, images, flavors, perfumes, and almost astral sensations… unknown, ethereal, alien sensations…!
Today, the cultivation or synthesis of narcotic substances has taken root in some countries that have become specialists in this sector and main exporters of these substances in the World.
Drugs are indeed widespread all over the World and all social classes make use of them… none excluded!