War: Part II – “Si vis pacem, para bellum”

… War…

A mental condition that guides thoughts, steers actions, manages relationships… A mental condition that fixes the memories, amplifies the senses, expands the emotions… A mental condition that marks the millennia, changes the structures, adapts the armaments…!

…The War indeed takes on an important role in a country’s economy… and it has always been like this…!

Since man fought the War there has been a race to develop the best weapons, to train the best armies, to create the best defenses…, in order to be ready to fight for their own beliefs, their own values, their own territories, their own resources…!

This is why man has always been surrounded by weapons, armies, defenses… This is why we have always witnessed an unfortunate trend that has continued over time and has reached up to the present day…!

Archimedes of Syracuse, Leonardo da Vinci, Enrico Fermi, Wernher von Braun… All scientists who were committed to developing the most innovative weapon, the most destructive weapon, the most decisive weapon..!

The War is indeed a real industry… A sector that feeds a lot of satellite activities… A sector that weighs on the GDP of a country… A sector that creates thousands of jobs. A sector that has followed the human evolution sometimes anticipating the same technological progresses…!

Internet, microwave, drone… All technologies developed in the military field that have then found wide application in the civil field… Technologies that have changed our lives, our habits, our passions, our relationships… Technologies that have pushed themselves to the limits of the imagination to find the perfect weapon…: the most effective one, the most deadly one, the most deterrent one…!

And this is how we discovered the atomic weapon… A weapon that has become more and more powerful over the years… A weapon that the mere thought makes the blood freeze… A weapon that keeps the World in suspense… A weapon that is the point of no return. A weapon that leads to one and only epilogue…: the extinction…!

… and for this reason the War has taken on different meanings…

Lightning war, cyber war, nuclear war… All meanings that refer to the technique and technology used… Technique and technology that should instead be used for curative, innovative, peaceful purposes… Technique and technology that should instead be used to foster the growth, progress and development of Peoples… Technique and technology that should instead be used to create a better World!

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